Flash CS4 and exporting to Quicktime
I know I'm not the first to have this issue... in fact I think its been around since CS3 but I've been having problems exporting Flash movie to Quicktime.
But lets take a step back because originally all I wanted was the sound files. I'm running CS4 on a Mac and I haven't got the original sound files. My first step was to go to the library and right clicking (CTRL Clicking) and using the 'edit with...' I then use a fantastic little app called Switch. It converts everything (Sound wise) to almost everything else and if you pay, to everything else. Its very simple clean app. for MAC and PC ~
http://www.nch.com.au/switch/index.html.Anyway I digress.... the "edit with " approach only works if you have the original sound files... which I didnt. BUT wait, there's the obvious way, I hear you cry... just 'export movie' and choose WAV and there you go.... Oh no no, not if you have a MAC... its true!. It doesn't exist!! If someone can enlighten me to this incredible omission, I'm all ears.
So, next step export to Quicktime and then rip the sound out... actually I have the option just to export Quicktime sound, GREAT I thought. No said my mac... an error occurred. No number, no excuses, no info just an error! To cut a long story short here's what to do if you encounter many different versions of the same problem... and I'm still not guaranteeing success.
Instead of exporting to the last frame, use the time function.... divide your frame numbers by your frame rate to give seconds and then work out your minutes etc.... I have heard that it might be better to make it slightly longer that the actual movie as it can still hang. It fixed my errors and I used the exact time (Lucky me : ) ).
Using the “Quicktime Settings….” you can switch to Sorenson, with specific types of screen settings, this will help solve the hang/error.
Also if you have stop() action in the main timeline this might cause Quicktime to ... stop ! Playing with Quicktime’s compression settings can solve this. So make sure you don’t have a stop() action in your main time line that prevents the play head from getting there.
More fun and games with our beloved Flash soon....